RZ Advogados is now RGSH Advogados. The reformulation of the brand, with new letters making up its name, reflects the firm’s new cycle of growth. Besides the “R”, from Christian Ramos, the brand is now composed of the letters “G”, from Bruno Gutierres; “S”, from Eduardo Salgado; and “H”, from Mauricio Higashino.
On the verge of completing two decades since the office’s foundation, the partners took a recent corporate movement as an opportunity to accelerate the ongoing transformations in the firm.
“Our profile has always been innovative and guided by a more horizontal structure. Since we started, we have always looked for partners rather than employees, and the culture of collaboration is a daily practice for us. Now, we decided it was time to put a continuity plan in motion, expanding our partner base and implementing a system that allows the rise of other team members. All of that will contribute to a solid, consistent growth that will reflect on the excellence of service provision, which has always set us apart in the market”, says Christian Ramos.
From a practical point of view, the changes involve the incorporation of four new partners, who have developed their careers in the firm and, therefore, know the clients and the firm’s operating model very well. “This is a huge competitive advantage, especially in a volatile and changing environment as the one we have experienced in recent years. And the studies that culminated in our new brand took into account exactly that concept of continuity and growth that we want for the office,” adds Christian.
Over these past 20 years, RGSH has become notable for its solid performance in structuring, planning, and negotiating financial and corporate transactions, intelligence, and solutions to highly complex tax issues, as well as in credit recovery, restructuring, and insolvency processes, including judicial and extrajudicial reorganization and bankruptcy. In addition, the firm is always seeking strategic solutions – even outside the legal universe, to provide the best results to clients from the most different economic sectors.
“After two decades in the firm, our partner Fábio P. Zuanon (“Z”), who for the past few years had been dedicating himself to different projects, including NPL Brasil, decided to take a new path in his career. We are grateful for him and wish him luck and success in his new endeavours”, says Christian.
RGSH Advogados is one of the main references in the structuring, planning, and negotiation of financial and corporate transactions, intelligence, and solutions to highly complex tax issues, as well as in credit recovery, restructuring, and insolvency proceedings, including judicial and extrajudicial reorganization and bankruptcy. Chosen by major clients from the most diverse sectors, RGSH maintains cooperation with world-renowned law firms, in addition to having a solid network of affiliate counsels and technological solutions that ensure consistent performance throughout the Brazilian territory.
Privacy Policy – January/2021
RGSH Advogados (“RGSH”) is a constant and valuable partner for its clients. Focusing on attaining the best results, RGSH provides strategic, efficient, and personalized legal services for the businesses and demands of its clients, always aligning high-level specialization to a dynamic and multi-disciplinary approach.
Having innovation as one of its pillars, RGSH routinely adopts the most advanced technology solutions available in the legal field and in the general market. RGSH invests in the development of innovative tools for the constant improvement of its team, connecting the firm with the best big data suppliers (background checks, due diligences, asset recovery and fraud detection), for improved risk mitigation, predictive analysis, and maintenance of the highest information governance standards.
This Privacy Policy seeks to inform and clarify how, and for which purposes the Personal Data received or obtained by RGSH may be processed according to Brazilian law.
Personal Data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, including, but not limited to, name, gender, date of birth, marital status, RG, CPF, profession, physical and electronic addresses, telephone number, face picture.
Processing means any operation involving Personal Data, such as collection, access, processing, filing, storage, elimination, information evaluation or control, modification, communication, transfer or extraction.
In the daily running of RGSH’s business, we are provided with Personal Data from candidates who join the team, stakeholders, service providers and suppliers, clients, and partners.
These Personal Data are supplied by those involved or obtained by RGSH upon consent and for the following purposes: (i) form a candidates database for trainee positions and service provision; (ii) register employees, workers and partners for compliance with legal obligations and permission to access the premises and physical or digital equipment of RGSH; (iii) register clients, partners, suppliers and service providers for execution of agreements in the interest of both parties; (iv) supply information to parties interested in engaging our services; (v) maintain communications, forward news, information, updates or invitations; (vi) protect systems and networks, prevent and solve technical and security problems affecting identification processes and authentication of registrations and access permits; and (vii) investigate and fight illicit acts and frauds.
RGSH also accesses Personal Data of parties involved in corporate, contracts or banking transactions to achieve the goals of the service engaged in. This data is generally transmitted to RGSH by the clients, partners or legitimate interested third parties which, in turn, have obtained the data legally in the performance of their duties and rights.
Within the scope of the legal services provided, RGSH uses the Personal Data to enable the transaction engaged in; obtain additional information from public or publicly accessible sources and improve and base strategies; send mail, notices, invitations, establish telephone or electronic contacts, all for greater efficiency.
The Personal Data may be stored by RGSH for the period necessary to comply with the specific purposes for which they were collected and to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, always in compliance with this Privacy Policy.
RGSH does not trade Personal Data. However, to comply with its corporate, contractual, or legal obligations; achieve its corporate purposes of developing legal services; act in its legitimate interest; conduct audits, confirm, or correct data, RGSH may share Personal Data with partners, suppliers, clients, for specific projects or with public agencies to comply with regulations or court orders.
Sharing will be preceded by (i) the third party’s express commitment to confidentiality and respect for privacy of the data shared, previously obtained or (ii) order from a court or administrative authority.
All Personal Data, regardless of their purpose, are treated with respect and responsibility and are accessed only by the collaborators needing to treat such data for the specific purposes for which they were collected.
Employees and service providers acting in the name of RGSH undertake an express commitment to confidentiality and compliance with applicable data protection laws.
RGSH employs all efforts and technical and organization measures reasonable and necessary to ensure an adequate security level and to protect the data managed by it, particularly against destruction, manipulation, loss, alteration disclosure or unauthorized access risks.
To request copies, correction, alteration, update or exclusion of Personal Data, revocation of consent or clarification of doubts, RGSH provides to legitimate interested parties the e-mail privacidade@rgshadvogados.com.br. Replies will be provided within the shortest term possible and within a maximum of thirty (30) days counted from receipt of the reasonable request forwarded by a legitimate interested party, except if a shorter term is set forth in law or regulations.
RGSH reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time to better comply with legal requirements, follow technology developments, and preserve confidentiality and data protection.
Amendments will be published on this page and/or presented prior to engagements.
The date of the last update to the Privacy Policy is cited in the beginning of this document.